Principal's Message
Dear Martin Luther King, Jr. Elementary Families,
My name is Maria Lucero and I am beginning my eighth year serving as the principal of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Elementary school community along with Mr. Sydney John, our assistant principal.
At MLK elementary, everything we do has a purpose. This is accomplished by ensuring that every decision made, from online learning schedules to changes pertaining to instruction, is intentional and based on what is best for students. I believe every student deserves the opportunity to be supported in being successful learners and productive citizens of strong character.
In the spring of 2020, the COVID-19 virus changed our lives in many ways. Since being back to in-person learning, MLK teachers, support staff and administration have been committed to helping students get back on track with mastering grade-level standards while continuing to support them socially and emotionally. As parents and guardians, it is important that you commit to getting your child to school every day and on time (by 8:40 am). When your child is symptomatic, please call our school nurse to determine if your child needs to stay home. Our nurse, Hannah Zeutenhorst, can be reached at (509) 573-1110.
Ongoing, two-way communication with your child’s teacher is also important. Throughout the year, please do not hesitate to contact your child's teacher to discuss his/her academic progress, behavior, or any other topics that affect your child’s education.
At any time, if you have any questions or concerns that you are unable to address with your child’s teacher, please contact me at 573-1101 or 573-1102. The 2022-2023 school year is going to be a year filled with opportunities for your child to grow. I look forward to working with you and your children.
Making Martin Luther King, Jr. Elementary excellent on purpose,
Maria Lucero, Principal
Sydney John, Assistant Principal
Our mission is to build lasting relationships by collaborating to have focused instruction to provide all students with an equitable, quality education to become successful.
Our vision is to send our students into society with the tools to be successful learners and productive citizens of strong character.